Intro to grief care - Become a grief mentor

Preview of Module 101

Module-101 - Intro to Grief Care

You are about to embark on an exciting journey of developing and sharpening your skills in becoming a grief mentor. The goal of this DVD series is to equip you to be able to come alongside the griever to share God’s grace, comfort and encouragement. In addition to the DVD teaching notes, you will meet thirty grievers sharing real stories of real pain in their personal grief journey. We are also pleased to include thoughts, wisdom and insights of two professional counselors and a funeral director. Throughout this series we will be sharing with you Biblical concepts and Scriptures that will enable you to successfully become the grief mentor the Lord is calling you to be.


Session 1 – Embarking on the Journey

This opening session introduces you to Grief Care Fellowship. We will look at why Grief Care Fellowship has been developed, its purpose, and procedures that will enable you to become an effective grief mentor.

Session 2 – Personal Testimony: Joan Wyrtzen Bagg

This testimony will be the first of many personal one on-one interviews with people who have experienced their own grief journey. They will share with you the heartache they had, and their eventual emergence into a healthy grief journey.

Session 3 – An Answer to an Important Question

Session 3 shares many questions we have been asked by people who have interest in grief mentoring. We will answer your questions such as time and financial commitment, qualifications, training, and required reading materials.