understanding grief patterns

Preview of Module 103


Module-103Grief is uniquely different for every person and you will learn that no two people ever grieve the same way. The numerous patterns of grief can change within the same person day by day and week by week. The manner in which grief impacts the person has a profound effect on virtually every decision of their life.

Session 1 – Practical Understanding of Normal Grief Patterns

Most grief patterns are easy to recognize and deal with. But sometimes the patterns become interacting and cause the griever additional heartache. We will begin with the basic types of grief, known as healthy grieving. As you continue through the Modules you will be exposed to various types and stages of complicated grieving.

Judy Marshall articulates her responsibilities as a caregiver for both of her parents and then her grief journey in their deaths. Judy shares of strong family bonds that left her the legacy of loving parents.

Session 2 – Ministering As a Grief Mentor

Now that you have the awareness and desire to become a grief mentor, the next step is to understand how to put that desire into a practical application.

After the death of both of her parents Pam attended a grief group with the purpose of finding some resolution in her journey of grief. During that time she realized for the first time what her mother went through after the death of her dad. Now empathetic to the grief of others, Pam became a grief group leader.

Session 3 – What Grievers Want You To Know

One of the essential keys in understanding the person in grief is to listen to them, discern their needs and ultimately encourage them in their healthy grief journey.